Esa Elektronik-  Gaz Dedektör Ölçüm Test ve Kalibrasyon Cihazları

Delta OHM 2103 Anemometre

  • HD2103
  • VAR


Delta Ohm HD2103.1 - Portatif Anemometre

Delta Ohm HD2103.1 Klima, ısıtma-soğutma, havalandırma ve iç hava kalitesi alanlarında kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmış geniş LCD ekranlı portatif hava hızı ve sıcaklık ölçüm cihazıdır. Hava hızı ölçümü için Hot-Wire veya pervane problar bağlanabilir, sıcaklık ölçümü için ise PT100 ve PT1000 tipi sıcaklık probları bağlanabilir. Maksimum, minimum ve ortalama değer hafızası bulunan cihaz HOLD fonksiyonu ile de anlık ölçüm modunda iken istenildiğinde veriyi ekranda sabitleyebilir.

Cihaz IP67 koruma sınıfına sahiptir.

Ebatlar  185 x 90 x 40mm 
Ağırlık 470 gr. 
Kullanılan Malzeme  ABS  
Çalışma Sıcaklığı -5 ... +50°C 
Saklama Sıcaklığı -25 ... +65°C 
Nem Çalışma Aralığı  0 ... 90%RH 
Koruma Sınıfı IP67 
Batarya  4 x 1,5AA 
Çalışma Süresi  ~200 saat  
Ölçüm Birimleri °C - °F - m/s - km/h - ft/min - mph - knot
l/s - m3/s - m3/min - m3/h - ft3/s - ft3/minWCT 
PT100 Sıcaklık Ölçüm Aralığı  -200 ... +650°C  
PT1000 Sıcaklık Ölçüm Aralığı  -200 ... +650°C 
Ekran Hassasiyeti 0,1°C  
Sapma Oranı ± 0,1°C  
Bilgasayar Bağlantı Portu  RS232C Opsiyonel

HD2103.1: The instrument HD2103.1, connection cable for serial output HD2110CSNM, 4 1.5V alkaline batteries, operating manual, case and DeltaLog9 software. The probes must be ordered separately.
HD2103.2: The kit is composed of the HD2103.2 datalogger, connection cable HD2101/USB, 4 1.5V alkaline batteries, operating manual, case and Delta-Log9 software.
The probes must be ordered separately.
HD2110CSNM: 8-pole connection cable MiniDin - Sub D 9-pole female for RS232C.
HD2101/USB: Connection cable USB 2.0 connector type A - 8-pole MiniDin. DeltaLog9: Software for download and management of the data on PC using Windows 98 to XP operating systems.
AF209.60: Stabilized power supply at 230Vac/9Vdc-300mA mains voltage.
Sprint-BT: On request, portable, serial input, 24 column thermal printer, 58mm paper width.

Hot-wire probes:

AP471 S1: Hot-wire telescopic probe, measuring range: 0 - 40m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP471 S2: Omni directional hot-wire probe, measuring range: 0 - 5m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP471 S3: Hot-wire telescopic probe with terminal tip for easy position, measuring range: 0 - 40m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP471 S4: Omni directional hot-wire telescopic probe with base, measuring range: 0 - 5m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP471 S5: Omni directional hot-wire telescopic probe, measuring range: 0 - 5m/s. Cable length 2 metres.

Vane probes:

AP472 S1L: Vane probe with thermocouple, Φ 100mm. Speed from 0.6 to 20m/s. Temperature from -25 to 80°C. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S1H: Vane probe with thermocouple, Φ 100mm speed from 10 to 30m/s. Temperature from -25 to 80°C. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S2: Vane probe, Φ 60mm. Measurement range: 0.25 - 20m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S4L: Vane probe, Φ 16mm. speed from 0.6 to 20m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S4LT: Vane probe with thermocouple, Φ 16mm, speed from 0.6 to 20m/s. Temperature from -30 to 120°C with thermocouple K sensor(*). Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S4H: Vane probe, Φ 16mm speed from 10 to 50m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S4HT: Vane probe with thermocouple, Φ 16mm speed from 10 to 50m/s. Temperature from -30 to 120°C with thermocouple K sensor(*). Cable length 2 metres.

Temperature probes:

TP472I: Immersion probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Φ 3 mm, length 300 mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP472I.0: Immersion probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Φ 3 mm, length 230 mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP473P.0: Penetration probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Φ 4mm, length 150 mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP474C.0: Contact probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Φ 4mm, length 230mm, contact surface Φ 5mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP475A.0: Air probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Φ 4mm, length 230mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP472I.5: Immersion probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Φ 6mm, length 500 mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP472I.10: Immersion probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Φ 6mm, length 1000mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP875: Globe thermometer Φ 150 mm with handle, complete with SICRAM module. Cable length 2 metres. Temperature probes without SICRAM module
TP47.100: 4 wire direct Pt100 sensor immersion probe,. Probes stem Φ 3mm, length 230mm. Connection cable 4 wires with connector, length 2 metres.
TP47.1000: Pt1000 sensor immersion probe. Probes stem Φ 3mm, length 230mm. Connection cable 2 wires with connector, length 2 metres.
TP47: Only connector for probe connection: direct 4 wires Pt100 and 2 wires Pt1000.

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